
“Grey’s Anatomy” recap: Episode 7.17 – “This is How We Do It”

Welcome to this episode of Grey’s Anatomy entitled, “This is How We Do it.”  Speaking of doing “it” the show starts off with bras, nighties and underwear hanging in the washroom while Lexie does her laundry. Avery walks in takes his shirt off (as usual) and kisses her.

Avery then removes Lexie’s shirt (hey, I know where this is going) and April (aka Debbie Downer) bursts in and asks, “Is there anywhere you don’t do it?”

Somebody’s jealous!

April storms off to never return to Grey‘s again. No such luck, she’ll be back later in the episode. Lexie tells Avery that they should go upstairs for privacy but then Avery lifts her up on the washer and … the scene changes and we’re at the hospital. Well this is network television. What did I expect?

Bailey is in the parking lot of Seattle Grace and sees a trailer parked in her spot. Alex emerges from the trailer while brushing his teeth. Alex being Alex, he spits his toothpaste out on the ground like a pig.

Alex is in the running for America’s Next Top Model Chief Resident, so he has literally made the hospital his home to ensure he’s the first one there every morning and the first one who greets the Chief.  Bailey tells Alex to get his “home” out of her parking spot and demands that he move her car.  Bailey tosses Alex the keys and struts into the hospital like she’s working the catwalk. Maybe this is ANTM.

Derek, Meredith and the Chief are doing a check up on Adele. Derek explains that a month earlier, Adele tested positive for early onset Alzheimer’s. Adele protests and insists that she doesn’t have the disease. The Chief pulls Derek and Meredith aside and says he wants Adele included in their clinical trial, but Derek says he needs Adele’s consent and the trial and the waiting list are both full. The Chief looks pissed, or maybe that’s just his normal face. 

Callie is 23 and one-half weeks pregnant and having another ultrasound. Mark and Arizona stand by Callie’s side and Callie admits she’s nervous for her upcoming baby shower. The baby shower, which is happening today on the fourth floor in the doctor’s lounge.  Can’t these people ever do anything outside of the office? Callie nags Arizona for not inviting Dr. Hottie. Callie tells her, “Arizona, you invite the OB. The fate of my vagina in her hands.” Literally.

Bailey walks past a line in front of the bathroom and finds out that the Chief is inside and everyone wants to work with him on  his new diabetes trial. They are standing outside of the bathroom ready to pounce on him but when the Chief finally emerges he fends them off. Bailey reminds them that if they want to impress the Chief they need to impress him surgically. Then Bailey barks at Avery and says he’s on her service for the day.

Derek greets his new Alzheimer’s patient, Sonja. Sonja has a sexy accent and a gay son (not necessarily in that order). Meredith is assigned to work with Sonja on her memorization. 

Avery and Bailey have a diabetes patient named Claire who also has a tumor. Alex finds Dr. Stark and asks if he can work with him. Dr. Stark reminds Alex that he still doesn’t like him. Just then April walks in (I told you she’d be back) and Dr. Stark hands over all of his patients to her. Then Stark lets it slip that they have dinner plans for tonight. Alex overhears their date and slams April by saying she’s going to screw her way to the top. Alex is just jealous because Stark is practically the only one he hasn’t screwed at Seattle Grace. April tells Alex that she and Stark are “just friends.” Ouch!  Now I feel bad for Stark. Alex doesn’t believe April, and tells her “Yeah, right. Naked friends!”

Teddy walks in to check on Cristina’s new patient and sees her putting paddles on Henry’s chest, trying to revive him. Don’t worry, Teddy, Henry is fine. He had chest pains so he decided to go for a jog. Now I’m not a doctor, but it doesn’t seem like jogging is what one should do to cure chest pains. I would recommend listening to Coldplay’s Parachutes while burning an Ocean Blossom Yankee Candle. Relaxes me every time.

It’s time to prepare for the Calzona baby shower! Meredith and Cristina are moving the tables around while Mark and Arizona bicker about the importance of having a scrapbook station. Mark wants to decorate onesies with glittery pens and Arizona thinks it’s all too much. Callie enters and says yes, of course she wants a scrapbook station and they should get glitter pens too! Mark smiles at Arizona and Arizona smiles back with daggers in her eyes. Mark 1, Arizona 0.

Meredith overhears Sonja’s son talking to his ex-boyfriend/boyfriend in London. Meredith reminds him that if his mother is going to be a part of the trial he will need him to be his mother’s permanent caregiver. He wouldn’t be able to travel or move to London. But he insists that he is committed to the Alzheimer’s trail and will stand by his mother especially since she stood by him when he came out and his father left them.

During a consultation with Claire, Elijah speaks out of turn and undermines Bailey. Bailey asks to speak to Elijah privately and they bicker over the best treatment plan for their diabetes patient. Bailey reminds Elijah of the pecking order at the hospital (doctor trumps nurse) but Elijah says it doesn’t matter when the welfare of the patient is at hand.  Bailey and Avery are trying to perform a surgery that’s isn’t FDA approved yet and must receive a waiver to legally do it. (An illegal surgery sounds kind of sexy to me!)

The Chief asks Teddy is she’s OK to work with Henry since they have a personal relationship. Teddy reminds the Chief that they just have a business relationship and she only married Henry to provide him with medical coverage. Teddy sets Henry up to get a scan, and a morphine-drugged Henry decides to profess his love to Teddy in front of Cristina and the Chief.  Henry tells her, “You’re my wife. You’re my hot wife.” Teddy looks to the Chief for help. (You’re the one who married him!)

The Chief scolds Teddy since her relationship with Henry is obviously not just professional, and just then Henry’s scan comes back. Teddy sees a large mass next to Henry’s heart and she needs to operate immediately. The Chief isn’t sure if Teddy to do surgery on Henry but Cristina says she can do it and the Chief agrees. Cristina will do the surgery and Teddy will monitor.

Meanwhile, the baby shower is rocking and Callie is sporting a tiara and having a blast.

Mark tries to console Arizona about not enjoying the baby shower. 

Arizona: Shut up! You’re not the Callie whisperer. And I’m not a monster for finding baby showers annoying. Every woman that has ever had a pregnant friend hates them. It’s like a wedding, the bridesmaids always want to strangle the bride. It’s practically a rule. The only one who’s not normal here is you for acting like you’re enjoying this.

Mark finds Lexie at the party and says he’s glad she came to the baby shower even though it’s awkward.  Lexie says it’s not awkward because she’s seeing someone else. Mark asks if he knows the guy Lexie is dating and Lexie walks away.  Alex sneaks into the baby shower and is stealing snacks. Dr. Hottie catches him shoving food into his lab coat and Alex says that Hottie is really just noticing him because she finds him charming. Hottie says no, she’s actually talking to him because he’s blocking the food tray. I really do not support this flirting or possible future relationship!

Dear. Shonda,

Please don’t hook Dr. Hottie up with Alex. Set her up with anyone else, please! Have her date Dr. Stark or April or resurrect George O’Malley but not Alex. Please don’t put her with ALEX!

Love, Bridget  

At the onesies station, Cristina, Meredith and Alex are debating if Dr. Stark is gay or not. April says, “He’s not gay, he doesn’t have herpes and I’m not using him to get cool surgeries.”  April yells, “I am not taking my pants off for Stark!” Everyone at the party turns around and looks at April. Mark sees Avery rush off with Lexie and now knows who her mystery man is. That was a very short-lived mystery. Mark wondered for about three minutes.

In another wing of the hospital (where people are actually working) Derek apologizes to the Chief but says he can’t pull someone off his trial waiting list in order to to push Adele ahead of the line. The Chief screams that Adele needs this, but Derek can’t do anything at this point. Claire’s condition is getting worst and without the surgery (that isn’t approved by the FDA) she will die. The Chief tells Bailey to book an OR and not wait for the FDA’s waiver. Bailey doesn’t think it’s a good idea but she does it anyway.

Dr. Hottie talks to Meredith and tries to find out what Alex is really like. Hottie calls Alex a “Neanderthal” but Meredith explains that the Neanderthal thing is just an act and he’s actually been through a lot. Hottie gives a longing glance that says, “I can fix him.” No, sweetheart, you can’t! Everyone has to fix themselves.

Bailey tells the Chief that she thinks they should wait to operate on Claire until they get their FDA waiver. The Chief insists that Claire is getting worse and they can’t wait. Bailey is concerned that the Chief isn’t thinking straight and is just trying to prove a point to Shepherd.

Sonja is packing up and withdrawing herself from the trial because she found out that her son gave up his relationship because of her and she wants him to go back to London and be with his boyfriend, Gavin. Meredith and Derek insist that she stay and do the trial but her mind is made up. With someone off the Alzheimer’s trial, I guess there is room to add Adele’s name! Boy that worked out really fast too. At Seattle Grace, all problems are solved in three minutes or less.

During Henry’s surgery, Henry starts to code and Teddy starts screaming at Cristina to hurry up and figure out what’s wrong. Yeah, real that’s helpful advice. Henry pulls through and Teddy backs off and apologizes for acting like a “scared wife.”

Now that there is room for Adele to be a part of the Alzheimer’s trial, she refuses it. Adele doesn’t want Derek to drill into her brain. Can you blame her? The Chief begs Adele to at last take the test to see if she qualifies to be a part of the trial. Adele stubbornly agrees but reminds the Chief that she will pass the test and they will grow old together.

Mark and Arizona are cleaning up the baby shower. Mark hates Meredith’s abstract onesies design, asking “What the hell is this?” Arizona rummages through the trash to find the gift list that was accidentally discarded. A smiling Callie walks in and asks Mark to leave. Callie gives Arizona her own baby shower gift, which is a weekend away at a bed and breakfast. Callie says she knows how annoying she must be and the mini-vacation is an olive branch. Having a baby is Callie’s dream and she’s so excited that her dream is coming true. Arizona and Callie hug.

What, no kiss? Seriously, when’s the last time you saw Derek and Meredith hug it out?

Adele sits down with Meredith to take her Alzheimer’s test. After the results are tallied, Adele is one point above the criteria so she doesn’t qualify for the trial. Adele is happy but the Chief still wants her to be included on the trial. Adele cries and says she’s scared.

April finally tells Dr. Stark that she just likes him as a friend. Ouch! Stark says he understands and walks away like a wounded puppy dog.

Bailey finds the Chief in his office and tells him that the FDA gave them the clearance that they needed on their surgery. Bailey congratulates the Chief and tells him that enough is enough. He needs to pick a new Chief  Resident or delegate that responsibility to someone else to chose for him. The Chief tells Bailey to that she should do it and she says, “No, I raised those babies. Pick someone else who is not me.”

Teddy is doing a follow up on Henry and explaining what happened during his surgery. Henry tells Teddy that he has real feeling for her and it wasn’t just the morphine talking. Teddy tells Henry to stop flirting with her in front of other doctors and reiterates that his feelings and their relationship are not real and she doesn’t have feelings for him. Diss! Maybe Henry and Stark should date.

Elijah meets Bailey in the parking lot and asks Bailey to say that he was right so they can just kiss and make up. Bailey, being Bailey, just walks off.  Elijah calls after her.

Elijah: Inside the hospital you’re the man that’s the protocol. But outside the hospital I’m the man. I’m the man. Now you can call me Cro-Magnon or old fashioned, but that’s not going to stop me from taking you home to my bed tonight and showing you what kind of man I am.

Then Elijah kisses her. Elijah’s little speech reminded me of Nicolas’s Cage‘s speech to Cher in Moonstruck:

Come upstairs. I don’t care why you come. No, that’s not what I mean. Loretta, I love you. Not like they told you love is and I didn’t know this either. But love don’t make things nice, it ruins everything. It breaks your heart. It makes things a mess. We’re not here to make things perfect. Snowflakes are perfect. The stars are perfect. Not us. We are here to ruin ourselves and break our hearts and love the wrong people and die! The storybooks are bulls–t. Come upstairs with me, baby! Don’t try to live your life out to somebody else’s idea of sweet happiness. Don’t try to live on milk and cookies when what you want is meat! Red meat, just like me! It’s wolves run with wolves and nothing else! You’re a wolf just like me! Come upstairs with me and get in my bed! Come on! Come on! Come on!

Hottie walks up to Alex’s trailer and he offers her some of his stolen baby shower food. Alex hands Hottie a beer and Hottie sits next to Alex and kisses him. (Who saw that coming a mile away?)

Hottie and Alex hang out in the parking lot like high school kids, making out while Lexie and Avery are getting their groove on at home. April walks into the living room and pushes Lexie and Avery over.

Lexie and Avery climb off each other head upstairs to make out in private. April turns on the movie that she and Stark were going to watch and shoves popcorn in her face. I love popcorn. Kettle corn is my favorite. What’s your favorite?

At Casa de la Cristina, she’s preparing dinner (ordered pizza) and Owen walks in and delivers some news. The Chief just asked him to take over and select the new Chief Resident. Cristina is so excited but then she freaks out because she realizes that Owen can’t pick her since they are married. Just another reason why Cristina shouldn’t have married Owen.

Callie and Arizona are on their way to the bed and breakfast and Callie is texting with Mark. Arizona takes Callie’s phone away and throws it in the back seat. Callie reaches back, grabs the phone and tells Arizona that she’s just jealous of Mark and she needs to get over it.

Arizona: Do you blame me? He gets most of you! The straight you, the Catholic you, the girl who loves baby showers. I just get the gay you, which is only about 20 minutes a night and not even since you just feel too fat to let me touch you.

Callie: I’m doing my best here to make sure you are happy and Mark is happy and the tiny person growing inside me is happy. I don’t know what else I can do to be honest. Please tell me because I will do it. Whatever will make you happy I will do it!  

Arizona (turning to Callie): Marry me!

Callie: What?

Arizona: I mean it I love you more than anything. I want more, I want commitment, I want rings. So, marry me?

Callie looks deep into Arizona’s eyes, which aren’t focused on the road, and then suddenly they both look back and their car crashes. The screen goes white and I’m stunned. 

What did you think about this week’s episode?  Are you excited about next week’s big musical event?

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