
“The 100” recap (3.16): There is no pain in the City of Light

Okay now for my Feelings.

Obviously the thing that made me furious is that Clarke was like “flamus retreatus” and the flame just up and left her body, NBD. Meaning that, despite insistence that Lexa dying was necessary for the plot, it absolutely was not. Lexa could have been impeached, cast out of Polis to fend for herself, having Alycia out of just as many episodes as she was gone for, but having her able to be back in real life whenever she could be.

But I’m going to be honest. I had been preparing myself mentally for three horrible things to happen.

  1. That Clarke and Lexa would just hug like gal pals who missed each other, and their reunion would be 30 seconds tops.
  2. That Clarke would have to destroy the City of Light, like actually send skyscrapers crumbling to the ground, and would have to watch Lexa die again.
  3. That Clarke and Bellamy would kiss.

So the fact that 1. Clarke and Lexa kissed and hugged and touched each other, and Clarke said she loved her and 2. Their goodbye didn’t feel forever final to me 3. And none for Bellamy Blake goodbye. PLUS the added bonus of the last time we see Lexa (at least this season) being her smiling and fighting like the Heda we know and love? I was pleasantly surprised. Short of somehow bringing Lexa back to life, I think this was a pretty decent outcome, Clexa-wise.

And no matter what becomes of this show, no matter what happens next, you guys changed the game. Lexa’s death spurned a movement that will not be forgotten. Because between the money raised for The Trevor Project, the trends on Twitter, the beautiful rainbow-painted billboards encouraging people to stop burying their gays, it became impossible for TV creators to ignore the LGBT community. And you can already see evidence of the change. The Lexa Pledge has TV writers promising to treat their queer characters with respect and holds them accountable for not falling into the tropes that hurt us. And since a lot of this TV season was already filmed by the time this movement started, you can already hear people starting to see the mistakes they’ve made without anyone having to point it out to them. Most recently, in an interview I won’t link to because of spoilers, after an episode where a queer woman died, the Entertainment Weekly interviewer brought up the trope and forced the showrunner to face his mistakes. There’s no hiding from it now; there’s no playing dumb because there is too much very public education out there about it now. Even I, a queer woman who has been writing about queer TV on the queer internet for years, have learned so much from this movement.

Like Lexa said, our fight is not over. And maybe it never will be, maybe we’ll always be at war for decent representation. But this victory will go down in history books.

What did you think of “Perverse Instantiation Part 2”?

Here’s one final round of #LadyKru tweets—thanks for all the laughs, I wouldn’t have made it through this season without you. May we meet again.

“I never thought I’d see you again.”
“I told you my spirit would choose wisely.” Oh god my heart. #LadyKru

— Call Me Root (@CloneNic) 20 May 2016


— Emmalee (@Shipper648) 20 May 2016

yooooo Jasper giving Lexa that ‘heartbreaker’ side eye yikes yikes yikes #LadyKru

— Jenn (@jrussi) 20 May 2016


— Puff (@shaysmagicstick) 20 May 2016

Season 4: Clarke having a blood drive for only nightbloods, so she can keep the flame/Lexa. You’re welcome. #LadyKru

— J.P. (@jmdklp) 20 May 2016

Why am I watching this lady talk to herself instead of Lexa? #LadyKru

— steph (@steph_dykes) 20 May 2016

I just want to see Lexa’s entrance again, omg so good #ladykru #Clexa

— Ashley {Reshop Heda} (@Michelle_008) 20 May 2016

I’d watch 16 eps of lexa’s entrance. Like that’s it. That’s all i need. You can just put the sweet lady kisses in the DVD extras. #LadyKru

— paint the brain (@paint_the_brain) 20 May 2016

Lexa stayed outside that vault to make sure no one follows Clarke in. No one did. You know what that means. #ladykru #the100

— Chen Drachman (@shokoshik) 20 May 2016


— dufrau (@dufrau) 20 May 2016

Can Octavia pull a dark Willow? I’d be on board to watch Octavia kill everyone before the radiation can #LadyKru

— MicNic12 (@micnic1291) 20 May 2016

If that was our goodbye to Heda, I’m not mad she went out kicking ass. Atleast it wasn’t another stray bullet #LadyKru #Clexa

— Leksa, feva en otaim (@ShanLaShawn) 20 May 2016
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