
“The 100” recap (3.16): There is no pain in the City of Light

Meanwhile, in Polis, Kane and his crew break through the barricade and start marching down a hall. Octavia puts her hands up and says she’s ready to take the City of Light wafer, but as soon as they’re properly waded into the water, Octavia jumps onto a box, and her team throws their electric sticks into the water, temporarily taking everyone out.

In the City of Light, Lexa and Clarke run but his a fence, losing the girl on the bike. Lexa calls it a firewall, and it’s so weird to hear her say words like that and “upload.” Jasper shows up to taunt them, and Lexa would have sliced him up, but Clarke tries to reason with him instead. Clarke says that what Alie is doing is wrong, that it’s taking away their free will. But Jasper says the world so full of so much pain, so many broken bones and broken hearts. He looks right at Lexa when he says that.

“Look at me again, see how long you live.”

But there is no pain in the City of Light. Lexa is ready to ditch him and look for another sign, but Jaha lead a hoard of people to block their way. Clarke asks if she removed the flame if that would stop the upload, and Lexa said it’s never been done, that it would just turn Clarke into a brainless City of Light zombie.

And your brain is so sexy.”

Just when they think they’re out of options, a vault door appears on the wall. It seems suspicious until a raven appears on it and Clarke knows it’s a message from Raven, and she knows it’s safe. Lexa tells Clarke she’s going to hold off Jaha and his people, but Clarke isn’t ready to lose her again. She tells Lexa she loves her, and Lexa says, “I’ll always be with you.” She didn’t have to say she loves Clarke, Clarke knows. And saying it might have felt too much like goodbye. And this is just a, “May we meet again.”

Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim.

So Lexa pulls out her swords and leaps into the fray, shouting her battle cry.

As soon as Clarke steps through the vault, she hears a voice all her Commander, and it’s Becca.

Trying not to hate you but this is kind of your fault?

Becca tells her that she’s the only one who can operate the killswitch because she’s the only one here with free will. Alie shows up to be the devil on her shoulder, saying that pulling the switch will doom the Earth. Based on her calculations, in six months, the radiation that will permeate the planet will be unlivable, even for the people born in space. Alie says the City of Light is the only answer, but the thing is that’s not a sustainable solution either, is it? Humans would still be extinct; there’d just still be some brains in a computer. Clarke is torn.

Becca says that Alie is just stalling.

Alie Becca Clarke, the ABCs of the apocalypse.

Octavia and company set up a barricade in the throne room, and their objects are as follows: 1. Protect Clarke at all costs. 2. Kill as few people as possible. So the fighting starts, and though the City of Light zombies outnumber our warriors, they hold their own.

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