
“The 100” recap (3.06): Draw me like one of your skai girls

At Arkadia, Abby and Kane are having a hard time wrapping their heads around the fact that the grown-ups keep screwing everything up. But now even the kids they looked to for leadership are losing it; Clarke’s off Wanhedaing around, Octavia won’t be bound by structures anymore, and Bellamy and Raven are sippin’ on two very different types of equally destructive kool-aid. But Clarke got her relentless optimism from somewhere; Abby kisses Kane on the cheek and calls it hope. Hope that all is not yet lost.

The Trikru village tells Octavia that they’re evacuating, but she has questions about the pyres covered in acid sap they’re setting up.

“Going away party, or?”

But before she can get any answers, she’s knocked out.

In Polis, Clarke goes to talk to the Mt. Weather Man, Emerson. He was Mt. Weather security, so he’s how Ice Nation knew the self-destruct code that killed 49 of her people. He knows she’s the Commander of Death, so her hands aren’t clean either, even if she didn’t count the almost 400 people she killed with the flip of a switch. Men, women, and children, two of which were his.

Clarke tells him that if it’s mercy he’s seeking, he’s going to have to beg for it.

If Clarke asked me to beg for ANYTHING I would.

But he wants revenge. He wants her to suffer. And he knows she will; she starts to storm away from him and his hateful eyes, but he calls after her that she will never escape the pain she’s feeling.

When Clarke returns to her room, Titus is there. He’s hoping they can become friends, like a brother trying to like his sister’s new girlfriend. Titus is hoping that her stance on killing Emerson is a sign that he could convince her to get Lexa to drop this whole “Blood must not have blood” thing. Clarke points out that killing one definitely guilty man is different than killing a bunch of people because of one asshole, and she won’t help him start a war.

“And I don’t think Lexa would appreciate you being here.”

Titus says that they’re at an impasse, and Clarke realizes that maybe Lexa was right, maybe she is being a little hypocritical in her decision to kill Emerson.

Jasper is about to take the City of Light pill when Abby interrupts and demands to know the science behind this stuff. Jaha uses a lot of science words like neural pathways and pain receptors and basically says that the pill latches on to your brain stem is all. Abby wants to run some tests before they start handing them out to everyone, but surely Jaha understands; he wouldn’t have given it to Wells without testing it first, right? Jaha gives her a blank stare and asks, “Wells?” and Alie has to remind him that it’s his son’s name. Abby sends Jasper away and says she’s seen quite enough. She snatches his bag of goodies and cuts him off. This City of Light nonsense is eliminating more than just pain, but also, it seems, the source of it, and that surely can’t end well.

“I don’t WANT to perform brain surgery BUT I WILL.”

But Abby better watch her back, because her male nurse partner guy there is a Light Zombie, too.

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