
The Huddle: Who We Want More of on “Orange is the New Black”

It’s Orange is the New Black day! With such a large cast, it’s hard to have everyone’s stories get the attention they deserve. Who do you want to see more of this season on OITNB? (Note: Most of us answered before we watched any of Season 3.)

Erin Wilson: I want to see more of Big Boo. What’s her story?!

Grace Chu: Yeah, I want to know what happened to Baby Boo that turned her into an incarcerated Big Boo.

Emily Anderson: I want more of Red. Can’t get enough. Totally on board with more backstory on Sister Ingalls and Yoga Jones. Would like to see some redemption from last season for Suzanne/Crazy Eyes and Morello.

Also by Little Boo do you mean young Boo? When I read Little Boo I think of the pup.

Kim Hoffman: I want to see more of Nicky and Yoga Jones’ backstories. So much. And definitely Boo!

Elaine Atwell: Unpopular opinion: I would be fine with little or no Big Boo. But I adore Nicky; take me farther down that rabbit hole any day.

Valerie Anne: I want more Nicky, past and present. More of Alex and Piper’s past (the good times). Poussey. Taystee. Suzanne/Crazy Eyes. EVERYONE? I LOVE THIS SHOW??

And none for Larry Bloom. Bye.

Lucy Hallowell: Poussey. Always Poussey. But honestly I would settle for anyone but Piper and Alex. Anyone.

Jenna Lykes: Gimme more Watson. I would love to see her get a storyline this season that doesn’t involve her being thrown in the SHU. Again. Also, more Poussey. Always more Poussey.

Ali Davis: Yes to Watson and Yoga Jones and Poussey, and I’m always happy to see Nicky. But my secret shame is that I am always, always looking for more Morello.

Dara Nai: More Morello any day! She makes mental illness adorable yet poignant, solely because Yael Stone is an acting genius.

Lindsay King-Miller: More Sophia! More Sophia back story, more Sophia and Sister Ingalls, more Sophia healing her relationship with Michael, more Sophia moving on from Crystal and finding a woman who can love her for who she really is. MORE SOPHIA.

Also I am never mad about lots of Poussey, and I would be excited to see some back story for Flaca, Maritza, and/or Maria. Plus it would be nice to see Soso develop from a walking punchline about misplaced idealism into a well-rounded character.

Trish: Super psyched about more Flaca. Jackie Cruz is fan-fucking-tastic and Flaca has been a big mystery up until now.

Dana: I’m with Trish, I love Flacca and want to know more about her.

Eboni Rafus: I need more Suzanne/Crazy Eyes back story! And I’m always interested in more Tastee and Poussey scenes.

What character are you dying to see more of?

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