
“Marry Me” recap (1.3): Scary Me

*We have started recapping Marry Me for its lesbian character, Kay (played by Tymberlee Hall).*

Annie, Jake, Dennah and Kay are all drinking wine in the middle of the afternoon when Gil arrives super excited (read: trying too hard to be excited) about his first Halloween without his ex-wife Cassie in 10 years. Since he doesn’t have to hang out with Cassie’s dumb friends this year, he wants to know what his dumb friends are doing to celebrate.

Jake tells him that he, Annie and Dennah are continuing their tradition by attending the annual Halloween HellaRage party hosted by Tupac‘s hologram.

“Zagat lovingly called it a fucking hot mess,” Annie explains.

Gil is intrigued but wants to consider all his options. “So Kay, what do you got going on and can non-lesbians attend?”

“I’m sticking with the classic: Trick-or-Treating. Costumes. Fresh air. Free Candy. Mic drop,” she answers.

Gil decides to go old school with Kay because he loves candy and the last time he went to a hip party, everyone thought he was the valet.

Annie and Jake’s neighbor Julie-a supermom handling business on two different smart phones while nursing a baby strapped to her chest-rings the doorbell to invite Annie and Jake to the planning meeting for the apartment building’s Halloween celebration. But only because, for safety reasons, she’s legally obligated to do so. She doesn’t actually expect them to come or anything. The baby sucks her right boob dry and as she attempts to get the baby unlatched and switched to the left one, Kay cocks her head to try to get a glimpse of the goods.

Annie is offended by Julie’s superior attitude and yet, when it seems that they aren’t invited to the HellaRage party after all, Annie convinces Jake to participate in the building’s party by creating a haunted house.

“One of my favorite memories of when I was a kid was when my dad did their haunted house,” Annie tells Jake. “All the neighbors said it was as scary as it was gay.”

“Sounds like a pretty intolerant neighborhood,” says Jake.

“Yeah, we had to move shortly thereafter.”

When Annie and Jake show up at the planning committee to suggest their haunted house idea, Julie shuts them down saying that it would be a safety hazard. This infuriates Annie who decides to do the haunted house anyway.

Later, Annie and Jake are showing Kay their Haunted House set up when Gil arrives with awesome news.

“So Kay, my sweet friend whose name is also a letter, I did a little research and I found the best trick-or-treating street in town. I’m talking full size candy bars! They got so much candy that The New England Journal of Medicine declared the whole neighborhood a diabetes cluster!”

“Wow!” Kay breathes. “I’ve only dreamed of full-size bars. I mean, I can always go by one myself but candy is much sweeter when you beg strangers for it.”

“I did take the liberty of grabbing a few costumes for us because we do need ones that obscure the fact that we are adults,” he says.

Cut to, Kay in a Godzilla costume and Gil as Spiderman walking down a quiet, deserted street. Gil’s perfect street is a bust, and Kay urges him to leave and check out a sweet street that she knows of. Gil confesses that he chose the street because it’s where Cassie lives.

“No! I’m not going to help you stalk your ex-wife, again!” Kay insists.

Yet, Gil convinces her that he just wants to check up on Cassie to make sure that she’s okay. And they show up on Cassie’s doorstep with a gaggle of kids.

“You two are big’uns” she says when she sees Gil and Kay.

“Hormones in the milk, ” Kay responds.

As they grab some candy, they can see and hear a party in the background. Cassie’s friend Sharon makes a tequila butt joke and Cassie laughs. She seems just fine, which of course, is not fine with Gil. He sits on the curb as Kay tries to console him.

“It’s just not fair, ” he says. It’s like the divorce didn’t affect Cassie at all. She gets everything. She gets the house. She gets to be happy. She even gets to hand out candy from our novelty scary hand candy bowl that I bought.”

“Awww, ladybug! I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were hurting so much,” Kay replies.

She offers to take him trick-or-treating in a different neighborhood, but turns out that what would really make him feel better is if she stole the scary hand bowl back.

“lf getting this bowl back means that much to you, then I am in!”

Kay knocks on Cassie’s door again and Cassie opens it holding the bowl, Kay tries to snatch it. But Cassie isn’t letting go of that bowl without a fight. As Cassie and Kay struggle over the bowl, Kay asks, “How are you so strong?”

“Take the candy but leave the bowl,” Cassie pleads.

As Kay breaks free with the bowl, Cassie calls out, “No!!! My husband gave me that bowl!!”

Gil realizes that Cassie is still hurting if the bowl means that much to him and steps in to save the day. He tackles Kayand gives the bowl back to Cassie. When Cassie tries to thank him, he places a single finger over her lips, shushing her.

But Kay won’t go down without a fight. As Cassie turns and walks back into her home, Kay comes out of nowhere and sideswipes Gil to the ground.

Meanwhile, Annie and Jake’s haunted house is a success! The best part is that they get to rub it in Julie’s face when she shows up pissed off that they hosted a haunted house behind her back.

Unfortunately, the haunted house was so much of a success that Mason, a little boy dressed as a robot doesn’t want to leave. They ask him nicely where he lives, but he won’t say. They bribe him and he gives them the wrong address. He takes them on a wild goose chase looking for his home which eventually results in them standing in an alley. Annie is afraid that she is going to have to suck it up and call Julie for help when she gets an idea. She pretends to be leaving Mason in the alley all alone and the thought of being out there all alone prompts him to finally tell them where he lives: 8A. Julie’s house.

It seems that Julie isn’t the perfect that she seems to be. Mason has been lying about where he lives because he is having so much fun with Annie and Jake. And it turns out that, although Annie has been jealous of Julie all along out of fear that she will be a terrible mom herself, Annie does have some maternal instincts after all.

Marry Me airs Tuesday nights on NBC.

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