
She Made Me Watch This! Gay vs. Lesbian TV Characters, or How We Spent Our (Very Short) Vacation in Palm Springs

Lori and I just got back from a long weekend in Palm Springs with our friends Michael Jensen and Brent Hartinger from (Michael is the Editor-in-Chief, Brent is his partner and an acclaimed young adult novelist), who have their own weekly video blog about gay entertainment called Two Gay Gays.

While we were there, we got into some discussions about the difference in how gay and lesbian characters are portrayed in TV, and we decided to film our conversations because they were kinda interesting, and because that way we didn’t have to get out of the pool (and later, the hot tub) to do our video blog for this week. Yes, we were killing two gay birds with one stone, but hey, we hardly ever get a vacation! The topics we cover include why Michael and Brent loved the lesbians on Xena and Buffy; why there are so many more gay men on TV than lesbians; and the real reason Lori liked Brian Kinney on Queer as Folk (hint: she might have been a little bit like Brian before we met … wait, does that make me the Justin in this relationship?)

Next weekend, it’ll be just Lori and me again – with more fall pilot reviews!

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