
Check Out the Capitol Portraits for “Catching Fire!”

Lately it seems like Jennifer Lawrence‘s name is on the wind, which is just fine by us. After she pulled down both a Golden Globe and an Oscar, we thought it’d be awhile before we were treated to more of her perfect face – but nope. Just a week after winning her first Academy Award, Lionsgate kicked their Catching Fire marketing into high gear, releasing several movie stills from the upcoming The Hunger Games sequel as well as Capitol portraits for all of the film’s characters, including our beloved Katniss Everdeen. Check out the portraits (and some of our favorite Catching Fire lines from the books) below. Katniss Everdeen “I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to stay right here and cause all kinds of trouble.” – Katniss Effie Trinket “Really, you’d think we were all criminals!” – Effie Trinket Caesar Flickerman

Haymitch Abernathy “They’ll still be one hundred percent as stupid as usual, so I figure my odds will be roughly the same.” – Haymitch

Cinna “Don’t worry. I always channel my emotions into my work. That way I don’t hurt anyone but myself. ” – Cinna Beetee

Johanna Mason “Whole country in rebellion? Wouldn’t want anything like that!” – Johanna Peeta Mellark “Whatever happened in the past is in the past. And no one in this arena was a victor by chance. Except maybe Peeta.” – Finnick

President Snow “The only thing that distracts me from my current situation is fantasizing about killing President Snow. Not very pretty daydreams for a seventeen-year-old girl, I guess, but very satisfying.” – Katniss Finnick Odair “Poor Finnick. Is this the first time in your life you haven’t looked pretty?” – Katniss Gale Hawthorne “I do think your mad and I’ll still go with you.” – Gale Buttercup This fan-made Buttercup poster is my favorite of the whole bunch.

How psyched are you for Catching Fire? Can you believe we have to wait all the way until November?

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