
Styled Out: Wearing your sexuality on your T

I don’t often use my sexuality as a weapon in my fashion. Some may consider fashion to be an art, and in a lot of regards it can be but I think to most of us it’s an expression and a window into ourselves. I often say that confidence is the only way to wear anything comfortably, and in regards to clothes that broadcast and sometimes exploit lesbianism, I think it could do more harm than good.

Have you ever seen someone wearing an outfit that resembles Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman before Richard Gere steps in and gives her that class act makeover? That’s sort of what this shirt by Mr. Hsieh says to me.

Obviously, I’m all about being out, loud and proud but to me this T-shirt is a total disrespectful slap in the face, not only to queer women, but to women in general. Wearing it would inspire more unwanted attention than one lady could ever imagine in average setting and portrays an unrealistic and almost pornographic insight into lesbian love making. I am pretty disgusted that it exists, quite frankly.

If you don’t agree with me, take this quote from the website selling the atrocity: “Like the song says: ‘It takes two to make a thing go right,’ and two girls kissing can’t be wrong. This seven-color print features a highly detailed and nicely shaded illustration of some very sexy women.”

I’m all about lesbian vampire queens when they’re in the context of intelligent and civil-right parodies like True Blood but films like Lesbian Vampire Killers make the idea, no matter how humorous the intended premise may be, out to be a violent message. I just can’t advocate putting “lesbian” and “killers” together in a sentence even when it’s paired with something awesome like vamps and there are many a T-shirt available for anyone to buy — all it takes is a Google search.

I’m not worried about the normal folk who probably understand the joke, I’m concerned with the message it sends to the general uninformed public. If you’re broadcasting something in a negative context, it can in no way be a beneficial bulletin for someone whose convictions already clashes with yours.

Why not let your rack roar out something that matters? One of my all time faves Marc Jacobs designed two amazingly inspirational shirts to further our cause and put our civil rights out there. Hear this: You have the option to say who you are or what you believe through a non-offensive and tasteful tee, either depicting a realistic lesbian couple with their child or with a simple scrawled statement.

To further the fight of the homosexual plight, all proceeds from the T-shirt sales go directly to the Human Rights Campaign. What a stand up guy. I’m sure the manufacturers of the above mentioned could care less if you enjoy the benefits of a straight married person. I’ll go to bed with who I like and I’d like all my rights while I do it, too, thank you very much.

What do you think? Are explicit tees an opportunity to scream at those who oppress you or facilitating a straight male fantasy?

Lesbian Apparel and Accessories Gay All Day sweatshirt -- AE exclusive

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