
Hot women processing – the new national lesbian pastime?

Curl Girls just premiered this week, and while I know Malinda didn’t like the show, judging by your comments I’m closer to the rest of you in kinda digging it. Maybe it’s because I’ve seen all six episodes, and it gets better as it goes along (although sadly, one cannot say the same about Jessica‘s ability to utter a grammatically correct sentence).

The whole surfing competition angle didn’t really interest me, partly because most of these women are casual surfers at best – it’s not like watching Kate Bosworth or Michelle Rodriguez (or their stunt doubles) ride a pipe on Hawaii’s North Shore. (On the other hand, we’re not forced to watch any of the Curl Girls women clean up used condoms in hotel rooms, either.)

I just get a kick out of watching a reality show all about queer women, even if the plot’s a little on the thin side. A bunch of attractive women talking everything to death, hooking up occasionally (after a lot of talking), and surfing once in awhile? Who needs a strong plot? (See Work Out for proof). If I have to suffer through a summer of “cougars” and kittens” battling it out for a bachelor who looks like a ferret, I need some kind of lesbian relief!

And I can’t say I don’t recognize some of my friends in these women. As bad machine says in her very funny recap of the first episode, “There’s sure to be a hookup, a breakup, a fight or two, some unnecessary crying, judgmental trash talk and lots of attitude. Or, as I like to call it, Saturday night.” Damn, I hate it when she’s funnier than I am.

Gingi is the Curl Girl who seems to get the most attention, both from the camera and the other women.

She actually seems pretty cool, and I like the fact that she doesn’t give in to the occasional bi-phobic comments (the rest of the women are lesbians), although her inexplicable attraction to Jessica does make me question her judgment. This scene where Gingi is introduced to the other women on the beach is pretty funny for its complete lack of pretense, as the women all comment lasciviously on her physical appearance:

But enough about Gingi, let’s talk about Erin! She’s my favorite. And no, it’s not just because she looks more like my girlfriend than any of the other women. It’s because she’s the most interesting – who doesn’t want to know more about a gun-toting lawyer who surfs in her free time? And actually seems sane and level-headed? Plus, she looks more like my girlfriend of any of the other women. So okay fine, I’m biased. But isn’t she cute?

Too bad she’s too sane and level-headed to get much screen time. But she looks great grilling those burgers!

As for the rest of the gang … Vanessa‘s a little too juvenile for my taste, and Michele seems interesting, but a little cocky. Melissa is nice, but frankly, at 29, old enough to know better than to try and “settle down” with a 22-year-old (Jessica) and wonder why there’s drama! And Jessica? I think bad machine put it best in her recap: “you can’t comfort crazy.”

Okay, now it’s your turn: who’s your favorite Curl Girl? (Rushes to judgement based on only photos or short clips is allowed and encouraged.)

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