
“Orphan Black” recap (4.06): Worth the Salt

When Felix does arrive, he’s in some sort of fabulous Sherlock Holmes getup. Krystal recognizes him and even though Art assures her he’s from Scotland Yard, Krystal ends up macing her brother-sestra.

Sarah arrives at Felix’s loft and sees an abandoned cigarette box and blood outside. She storms in and while Susan goes on about how smart Cosima is, Sarah takes bleach to the samples Scott has been preparing. When Susan asks her what the hell she’s doing, Sarah explains about the blood, and even though Susan swears she didn’t have anything to do with Kendall’s attack, they take Susan and her EMT-shaped bodyguard hostage.

At the Bright Born lab, Evie and Cosima chat about Cosima’s research. Cosima takes this time to demand to know what happened to Delphine Cormier. Evie pretends she only knows the name in passing, but Cosima’s not buying it.

“You’re not the first pretty woman to lie to me, Evie.”

Evie gets word that Susan has gone dark as soon as Cosima’s clone phone goes off. (Side note, Cosima pockets Sarah’s neoworm in the hubbub.)

At Art’s, the detective washes out Felix’s eyes while they keep Krystal at a safe distance. She feels bad and says that she’s just been on edge since she realized she was in the middle of a cosmetic stem cell scandal. Felix gives her a clone phone of her own to try to get her to lay low. She apologizes again, explaining that ever since she punched that really attractive doctor with the magical unicorn hair, she’s been on a violent streak. Felix’s ears perk up, and he asks after Delphine, but Krystal has bad news. And, now this is important, this is what she says, word for word: “I saw her get shot. I saw everything.”


Sarah and Mrs. S blindfold Susan and take her to the safehouse, confused as to what Duncan would get out of kidnapping Kendall when they were already giving her the samples she wanted. But then they remember Ira and his ire and know that he’s probably desperate to save his own life. So Susan gives him their hotel key, and they run to find him.

But when they get there, Ira is in the bathtub, having overdosed on pills, because he’d rather die on his own terms than glitch out. Sarah has Benjamin call 911 while she expertly makes Ira throw up and shouts at him to wake up. And they have a bigger problem: If Ira didn’t take Kendall, who did?

A van drives Kendall into a field, and the creepy detective opens the back door. He gives her a cigarette and a blanket, and it’s clear they’re waiting for whoever is really in charge.

At the safehouse, Mrs. S grabs Susan by the throat, demanding to know, “WHERE IS MY MUMMY?!” At the same time, Scott calls Sarah to say that the Bright Born hard drive had a virus on it and all of their research, all of Cosima’s data, everything that would save her, is gone.

Susan suddenly knows the only person who might want Leda gone. And sure enough, it’s Evie Cho.


Cosima is dragged out behind Evie, causing Kendall to show fear for the first time. She begs them to let Cosima go, but they ignore her pleas and tell Cosima they’re going to blow Kendall up and burn every trace of her. Because Evie, turns out, is a psychopath.

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