
“The 100” recap (3.14): Desperate Measures

Stuck in their shipper carton, Octavia laments that they were the bringers of death in this situation. They hear a click and jump up, ready to fight, but it’s Shay, who used her last breaths to unlock the door and mumble a warning.

Luna doesn’t need their help, though, because as soon as Alie has one of the floukru threaten a child, Luna goes full Luna on them and kills them easily, including her beloved. Clarke, Octavia and Bellamy are upset that they were too late but glad to see at least Luna and Jasper are okay. Octavia tells Jasper that Shay, unfortunately, is not.

Luna collapses over the man she loved who died at her hands, her hands which she had sworn never to use for killing again. Luna wails, mourns out loud, and Clarke watches in horror. Probably feeling a myriad of things, from guilt for being part of the reason this even happened, to sympathy because she has felt that same pain of loss before, she FEELS that pain.

Do you think she got a chance to mourn while she was on her unicorn?

Floukru and the Fearsome Foursome gather to mourn those lost in today’s battle, and Clarke thinks that Luna will be on her side now, but Luna says Clarke’s plans sound a lot like Blood Must Have Blood. And she’s not interested.

Like the most not interested a person has ever been.

Clarke and her friends dropped to the ground; they have overstayed their welcome and wake up back on Cairn Beach. Luckily, Lexa is still tucked in her little tin bed and safe back in Clarke’s hand.

And then it’s kind of like the series finale of Buffy where everyone’s like, “Now what?” And who the hell knows.

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