
“Orphan Black” recap (4.01): “Oh, take me back to the start.”

Across town, Art is watching cartoons at his daughter when he hears a knock on the door. Beth is there, looking broken, and asks just to sit for a while. His daughter hugs her goodnight before getting tucked in by her father and Beth falls asleep on the couch. When Art comes to wake her, she asks him to see her, same as she asked Paul. But Art was already looking at her, is always looking at her, and Art might be the only one who sees her. She kisses him, and he pulls away, but when she kisses him a second time he kisses back.

Beth wakes up in Art’s bed to a phone call from Trina, the pregnant Neolutionist from the club. She’s worried about her boyfriend, so Beth follows the lead to Chinatown to some biohackers who Trina says implanted a little seed in her boyfriend’s cheek that ended up…well, growing.

Beth pops a pill and follows Trina’s instructions up a fire escape, where she sees a man from the precinct, a shady bespectacled fellow. She watches in horror as the two EMTs kill the boyfriend and cut out his cheek.

Through the looking glass.

They carefully and grossly pluck out a worm like Neelan’s.

Beth is rightfully taken aback by this and stumbles back, causing a racket. And even though it’s probably the one time running UP stairs wouldn’t have been the worst decision, she scurries down the fire escape and into the alley. She hears a noise behind her and turns and shoots twice, but when she sees the body on the ground, she realizes it’s not one of the three people she just saw kill a man. It’s Maggie Chen.

Beth is sick, probably a combination of realizing what she’s done, what she just witnessed, and being high as a kite. Her first move, obviously, is to call Art.  

And we know what happens next. Art puts Maggie’s phone in her hand and tells Beth to say she thought it was a gun. He reassures her the best he can, promises her they can do this. It’s more apparent than ever. He really does love her.

Beth’s Lieutenant tells Beth she’ll have to talk to IA and introduces her to a detective from the union assigned to her case…and it’s the shady bespectacled Neolutionist.

Next, we follow Beth to M.K. This time, they meet perfect face to perfect face. Beth tells M.K. she’s feeling hopeless. She doesn’t know who to trust. She’s starting to get why M.K. lives like this, alone and disconnected, paranoid and frazzled. She regrets telling Cosima and Alison, for bringing them into this. M.K. takes Beth’s hand to comfort her. Sestras.

Two of a kind.

Beth closes her eyes to rest. Even if just for a moment.

The ringing of a clone phone wakes someone up, and it’s Art on one end of the phone, but Kira pops up from the other side of the bed. It’s Sarah this time.

And a monkey!

We’re back in the present day, and Art puts her on the phone with M.K. She says she knew beth, and that Neolution knows where she is, and that they’re coming for Kendall. She says they need to run.

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