
“The 100” recap (1.11): Quoth the Raven

Previously on The 100, Octavia told her stupid brother he was dead to her, Raven took the City of Light pill but regretted it when she realized she lost some memories, Alie gave her only her very most painful memories back and all at once, causing Raven to submit to the City of Light to get them back. Abby took the City of Light pill to save Raven’s life, Jasper kidnapped Raven and ran away from Arkadia, running into Clarke on the way. Abby and Jaha plan for Stage 2 of Alie’s plan.

In the Rover, Clarke tries to ask Jasper what the hell is going on, but he’s still drowning in his own manpain and tells her to just look out for the cave where their friends are.

In the cave, Octavia gathers her things and starts to leave, shrugging off Bellamy’s warnings and saying that with Pike gone, she can handle herself back at Arkadia. She wants to burn Lincoln’s body, because it’s the trikru way. Bellamy asks how he can redeem himself, and Octavia doesn’t flinch in her response: Bring Lincoln back.

Bellamy tries to pull the “for my people” crap, but Octavia says that Bellamy was mad, and he lashed out. He was selfish, and now he has to nut up and deal with the consequences. Monroe is dead, Lincoln is dead, and it’s all his fault. Lexa’s death is his fault too, but O doesn’t know that yet. She storms off, but then she sees Jasper and Clarke show up with Raven.

Clarke calls out for Octavia, saying she needs her, and even though Octavia is salty about Clarke not showing up in Polis, she can’t resist the pull of Wanheda.

Jasper explains to his friends about the City of Light chips and Raven’s plan to release herself from Alie’s grip using one of their old wristbands. It all sounds like nonsense, but Clarke holds up Flame!Lexa and asks if that’s what the City of Light chip looks like, and Jasper says not quite. Raven wakes up then, so she (and therefore Alie) sees Flame!Lexa, and Alie tells her to figure out where they are. So Raven breaks away and runs outside, but gets knocked back unconscious before she can see a landmark.

They stall as to what to do next, but Clarke knows where to get a wristband.

They head to the trading post, and Clarke wants to talk to her alone, but Bellamy follows like a bad smell. Niylah is there to greet them…and by greet them I mean threaten them. She calls Clarke Wanheda and says sky people aren’t welcome here. Her father was one of the 300 warriors slain. Clarke would have talked to her all day but Bellamy is impatient so he pulls a gun on her, forcing Niylah to let them drag a blindfolded Raven to the back room.

Alie realizes she still doesn’t know where they are, so she makes Raven kick and scream so they tie her down. Clarke tells Bellamy and his big gun to stand down and talks to Niylah, one on one.

Clarke says that it’s hard to explain exactly what’s going on, but promises her that it’s important stuff. She says that they’re not the ones who killed her father, and says she knows Niylah won’t let an innocent girl suffer. So Niylah gives them the wristband and a room to work in.

Sinclair uses Raven’s plan, gushing over its genius all the while, and all they’ll need is a big ol’ magnet to make it work. Monty suggests the dropship, and also offers to go, and Octavia offers to go with him (since he’ll need protection).

Jasper is guarding Raven, who is calmer now but still tied to the bed, when she suddenly starts to reach one of the knots around her wrist with her teeth. She pulls and pulls until she dislocates her own shoulder, creepily looking Jasper in the eye and saying, “There is no pain in the City of Light.”

Jasper quickly realizes he is in over his head so he calls Clarke in to help. Clarke immediately starts treating her wounds, and Jasper yells at Alie to calm down. Alie asks for Clarke’s tech, and Jasper doesn’t see why not, but Clarke insists they can’t. Instead, she uses it as leverage. If Raven dies, Alie will never get her hands on Flame!Lexa. So Alie releases Raven, and lets Clarke pop Raven’s shoulder back in while she awaits further instruction.

Clarke says they should take turns watching her, but Jasper isn’t ready to let Clarke take charge again. Alie speaks through Raven, saying he doesn’t forgive her for murdering his girlfriend. Clarke continues to tend to Raven’s wounds, and a voice almost like Raven’s thanks her sweetly.

But it’s not as guarded as the real Raven’s, not as strong, so Clarke isn’t fooled. So Alie tries a new tactic, and starts to remind Legendary Wanheda, Commander of Death, Mountain Slayer, of all the people who have died because of her, the people she killed. Clarke steels herself against it until she says, “I bet you got Lexa killed, too.” Tears spring to her eyes and she tells Raven to shut up.

Then Raven starts talking about her father and Clarke yells again.

Overwhelmed, Clarke tries to gag Raven, but without a conscience or gag reflex to stop her, Raven bites down hard and fast and takes a chunk out of Clarke. Clarke yells that she can’t wait to fry her, which is how Raven and Alie realize that they’re planning to go through with Raven’s original plan, meaning they’ll be heading to the dropship for parts.

Monty and Octavia arrive at the dropship and Monty uses this alone time to tell Octavia that she can’t leave, not now. But Octavia says she’s not skaikru or trikru, she’s just Oktaviakru, a lone wolf, a solo butterfly.

At the trading post, Clarke admits she let Alie get to her, and Jasper spits that the truth must hurt, but Clarke won’t let the anger get the better of her twice in two minutes. So goes right up to Jasper’s face and apologizes to him.

She says she never wanted to hurt Maya, that she truly believed she had no choice. Jasper tells her to shove it, and Clarke cries. Will she ever escape her past?

At the dropship, Monty gets the magnet, but instead of Octavia, his mother is there when he comes back outside. He’s suspicious and tries to test his mother’s memory, which tips him off to the fact that Alie is behind the wheel. Desperate, Alie has Monty’s mother attack him and try to force him to take the chip.

Octavia returns and fights her, and at first Monty begs Octavia not to go full Floorheda on her, but when the lack of pain sensors and Octavia’s restraint combine, they end up with Momty pinning O to the ground. When threats do nothing, Monty shoots his mother twice to save Octavia. Octavia cries out his name; she knows he will never fully recover from this.

At Niylah’s trading post, Sinclair is almost done with the mech, he just needs the magnet Monty and Octavia are getting. Clarke tries to reassure him that everything will be okay, but he asks if she’s sure, she admits she doesn’t even know what being sure feels like anymore.

On the drive back, Monty tells himself that his mother was already gone, that it wasn’t his mother he killed, and he says it over and over, while Octavia studies the chip she snatched from the body, probably wondering how such a little thing could be causing so much trouble. (Something I’m sure people have wondered about her.)

Alie takes Raven up a notch and Raven channels half the fandom, asking Jasper why he isn’t as hard on Bellamy as he is on Clarke when they both pulled the lever that melted his girlfriend’s face off. She mocks Jasper for being the whiniest despite having suffered the least; he literally had his cake and ate it too while Clarke had to murder an ally and friend. Jasper starts to get worked up, and when Bellamy tries to calm him down, Raven turns on him, turning on her flirty voice and reminding him of their time…together.

She asks if it bothers him that no one gives him credit for Mt. Weather, or for the culling on the Ark before it fell, or essentially killing his own mother just so his sister could go to a masquerade. She goes on and on and on until she gets to his most recent slaughter, the 300 sleeping warriors. Niylah overhears this and launches herself into the room. Raven sees her, and Alie knows exactly where they are.

Bellamy is pissed, but Niylah is that quiet, scary kind of angry. He apologizes, but sorry won’t bring her father back.

Monty and Octavia pull up and they can tell something’s wrong. Bellamy asks what happened, and Octavia can’t even find the words.

Sinclair builds the machine that will fry Alie, and Alie tells Raven to self-destruct, because she knows too much. No one is allowed to LEAVE the City of Light. Clarke holds up Flame!Lexa and says that she can have it, but as soon as Raven stops moving to consider this, they slap the bracelet on her. Alie lets Raven use her own voice to beg, but they keep on keeping on, having to grab the battery from the Rover, but eventually succeeding in shocking Raven’s system.

Clarke takes her vitals, and they’re fine, so they try to wake her up.

When she doesn’t come to right away, Jasper grabs Flame!Lexa and wants to smash the chip to pieces so Alie can never get it. Clarke panics and screams, “It’s Lexa!”

Even as she’s saying it, she knows how it sounds, but it’s Lexa in there, and Jasper can’t smash it. Clarke says she saw it cut out of Lexa herself, and while her friends swallow that traumatic gem, she realizes that’s the answer. She slices the back of Raven’s neck in the same place Titus cut Lexa and wait. Blood and then goo ooze out of the wound and they realize it must be the melted chip. Raven coughs awake and the first thing she says is, “Ow.”

Octavia smiles-smiles!-and says she never thought she’d be so happy to hear that a friend is in pain.

Jasper gives Clarke Lexa back (“I couldn’t do what you did,” is what he says, which is annoying because it’s Jasper but nice because at least he acknowledges their love) and she tucks her girlfriend back into her little tin bed. Monty realizes how what he probably should have realized if he had thought about why he was on a mission for a magnet in the first place: He could have saved his mother, it WAS her that he killed.

On their way out, Octavia talks to Niylah in Trigedasleng, giving her a lantern in exchange for (very flattering) new clothes, and Clarke apologizes for not being honest about who Bellamy was. Niylah reminds her that decisions like that aren’t hers to make, and Clarke understands. She tells Niylah to make herself scarce before Alie’s minions show up, because they have guns and she’s queer, so you know she’s not safe. Niylah softens a bit and says it’s time for a supply run anyway.

On their way out, Bellamy asks Clarke what you do when you realize that you might not be the good guy, Clarke says, “Stay the hell away from the protagonist.”

Just kidding, she says there are no good guys. But she should have said that first thing.

Clarke asks Raven why Alie was trying to kill her, and Raven says that it was because of what she knows. The second AI is the only thing that can stop her. So stop her they shall. Octavia makes it clear that she’s not going anywhere after all, saying, “We survive together.”

Meanwhile, in the City of Light, Jaha and Alie are worried about what Raven knows. So their hopes of recruiting what’s left of the Hundred are dashed; instead, they’ll just have to kill them.

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