
“The 100” recap (3.4): Ai Nou Fir Raun (I Am Fearless)

Back at Arkada, Pike has managed to brainwash Bellamy and undo two full seasons of all of his hard-earned character development. He gives Farm Station guns and leads them to fight the Grounders outside the walls, the ones there to protect them. They’re stopped by Lincoln and Bellamy’s friends, and he begs them to trust him. I genuinely thought in this moment that him asking for their trust was his way of telling them that he was going to double-time Pike. Alas, Bellamy seems to be serious in helping Pike & Co. Luckily, before they get anywhere, alarms go off, and everyone runs out to see what the fuss is about, including Octavia who is confused and very, very angry at her big brother.

Pike & Co get arrested, but everyone starts chanting in support of him because he fed on their fear. The people want Pike to run against Kane for Chancellor, because RIGHT NOW seems like a GREAT TIME for a change in leadership. THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY; THIS IS A CLARKEOCRACY, EVERYONE CAN SIT BACK DOWN.

Pike ends up winning the chancellor vote and within five minutes of being in charge makes three TERRIBLE decisions: 1) He pardons all of Farm Station, especially himself. 2) He rejects the idea of being the 13th Clan 3) He restarts his plan to attack Indra’s band of Grounders there to PROTECT THEM.

And you know, I’m starting to regret all the terrible things I said about Jaha and the City of Light because at least that whole storyline was just boring, confusing, or seemingly random. Pike makes me want to drive a pike through my own eyeball. He’s so infuriating and so wrong. Give the truce a chance, or go start your own band of rebel skaikru. There is literally no reason to go on the offensive right now. Don’t put my precious Linctavia or Doctor Mechanic at risk just because you want revenge.

Back to the important stuff. Cleaned up from the battle, and in her finest sleeping gown, Lexa goes to Clarke’s room.

It’s a rarity for a lot of reasons: 1) Lexa’s hair 2) Lexa’s PJs 3) Lexa isn’t armed 4) Lexa’s guards are nowhere to be seen. It’s a rare, pure moment alone. Clarke thinks Lexa’s there to brag about her fighting skills, but Lexa says she’s just there to thank Clarke. Clarke wants to change Lexa’s bandage, inviting her inside, thinking, “This worked on me when Niylah did it…” and probably hoping for a proper thank you.

They chat a little, and Lexa talks again about after she dies, and Clarke is tired of thinking about the fact that Lexa is mortal. These two adorable warriors have the audacity to laugh. Flirting over death. Heda and Wanheda. I just. These two.

Lexa thanks Clarke again for supporting her, and for running around in circles trying to do everything in her power and out of it to keep her from dying. Clarke says it was right for her people, even though she very clearly stated earlier that was not why she was doing it. It was just too much to admit, here alone in her room, candles burning and harpy musing swelling in the background.

Clarke asks Lexa what’s next, now that all of her Ambassadors are traitors. But Lexa won’t hold it against them; they were just doing what they thought was right for their people. And maybe that right there was Lexa’s way of asking for forgiveness for Mt. Weather. Maybe it was her way of showing Clarke how they do things, to show her why Lexa maybe seemed unremorseful to Clarke. To remind her that she never meant to hurt her.

Clarke says, “Goodnight, Commander,” but she says it in Trigedasleng, calling her Heda.

Lexa returns the sentiment by saying, “Goodnight, Ambassador,” in Clarke’s language.

And then, despite the fact that the tension was so thick I’m surprised it didn’t force Clarke and Lexa’s clothes off, Lexa leaves. Lexa and her leg poking through her nightgown and her soft-looking hair and her smiling face and her VISIBLE FOR THE FIRST TIME BACK TATTOOS just leaves. And Clarke lets her.

It’s all too much to bear. I’m all for slow burn but at this rate, it’s like oh here’s a match that’s getting kind of closer to my fingers and if these two ever touch lips again it’s going to be like WHOA HELLO FOREST FIRE RIP LADYKRU.

Eh hem. Deep breaths.

So, lay it on me. What did you think of “Watch the Throne”? How relieved are you that Lexa survived? How many times have you watched Lexa’s fight scene? Tell me everything.

And speaking of LadyKru, here are some of our favorite #LadyKru tweets from this week:

And the one I think sums up all our feelings the best:

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