
“Bad Girls” Recaps: Episode 2.06 “Losing It”


The loony: Shell’s marbles go rolling all over the floor of group therapy. The lap-runner: Sylvia works out. The lesbian: Nikki scares Barbara, thanks to Fenner.
An aside – The title of this episode makes me chuckle. As you may know, it’s also the title of an ’80s teen sex comedy. OK, technically that was Losin’ It, but you get the drift. Somehow I doubt this episode will be quite so frothy.

A dressing down – “Deadeye” Karen Betts doesn’t understand how Sylvia “Bodybag” Hollamby managed to confuse “Mad” Tessa Spall and Barbara “Let me out of here!” Hunt last week. The preceding sentence was brought to you by Dorky Nicknames R Us.

Bodybag stands her ground, blaming the other prison for not sending Mad Tessa’s paperwork in a timely fashion. When you’re Hollamby, there’s always somebody else to blame.

Karen: It’s not good enough, Sylvia. Because of you, there was a major lapse in security. Anyway, it’s not just yesterday. Sylvia: What isn’t? Karen: Well, your attitude generally. Cutting corners. Offhand with inmates and officers alike. Always complaining. I get the impression you don’t really care about this job. Sylvia: Oh, ma’am, that’s really unfair.
Karen asks her point-blank if she’s committed, so Sylvia blames the painkillers and sleeping pills she’s been on since injuring her neck.
Karen: Well, maybe we need to help you back into shape. Sylvia: Ma’am? Karen: Well, you’re obviously not in the peak of condition. Do you exercise? Sylvia: Exercise? Karen: Maybe that’s the answer. I’ll put you on a course of training, see if that helps.
I love the look on Karen’s face as she says this. That is sheer delight. And Hollamby’s face is twisted into something like utter fear combined with how-can-I-get-out-of-this? Sort of like when someone tells me I’m invited to a baby shower.

Dr. No-no – Dr. Nicholson tells Zandra she has low blood pressure. He blames it on her past drug use and recent pregnancy. I would think those would cause high blood pressure, but what do I know? Clearly “Pasty Doughboy” Nicholson is the picture of health and knows what he’s talking about.

Then the doc tests Zandra’s eyes. They’re not so good: She needs glasses. The doc decides her poor vision is the cause of her headaches. But this guy has such terrible bedside manner, he might as well be saying, “It’s lupus, plus Parkinson’s and the clap. You have three minutes to live.”

Nikki’s cell – Nikki is greeting the day. She’s washing up a little at the sink while her new roomie, Barbara (aka not-Tessa), looks on. Anyone within a square mile is also looking on, because Nikki looks mighty fine in a tank top. Er, what are they called in the U.K.? Vests? As they both proceed with their ablutions, Nikki asks Barbara that crucial question:

Nikki: So, what’re you in for?
I suppose people must really say that in prisons. But somehow it sounds so cliché. Anyway, Barbara is reluctant to divulge at first but finally ‘fesses up: She’s in for manslaughter. But in a good way.
Barbara: My husband, Peter, was dying of cancer. He was in terrible pain. In the end, he couldn’t stand it any longer, and he asked me to help him along. Begged me, in fact.
Fenner stops by to pretend to be Barbara’s friend and to tell her not to “worry” about Wade.
Barbara: Why’d he say that? Nikki: ‘Cause he hates my guts.
Yeah, especially the gay ones.

As they get ready to go down to breakfast, Barbara asks Nikki what she’s in for.

Nikki: Same as you. Manslaughter. Only with me, it was for real.
I thought Nikki was in for murder, but what do I know? I also didn’t think you could get life for manslaughter, so I attempted to look it up. According to this HM Prison Service page (which looks somewhat stale), you can get a “discretionary” life sentence for manslaughter. So then I read these sentencing guidelines, and it seems that Nikki’s circumstances might have constituted a “low degree of provocation.” Never mind that four out of five mitigating factors also appear to have been present. I think this probably all just means that Nikki has every right to feel she’s been treated unjustly.

Optimism and pessimism go for a walk – Zandra and Dominic discuss Dr. No-no. Dominic can’t believe Zan didn’t get more information from the snooty old dude, but Zandra’s not surprised. Dom offers to go back to see him, but Zan stops him and gets very serious. She dramatically tells him she needs specs. He chuckles, of course, and she takes it personally.

Dominic: I laugh ’cause I’m relieved. I thought it was serious. Zandra: Well, it is! I’m gonna look stupid, ain’t I?!
Dom thinks staying off the smack is a better way for Zan to maintain her good looks. She insists that she’s clean, “straight up,” and he seems to accept that.
Zandra: I’m doin’ it. For you. But I’m not wearin’ specs. No way.
Cute. I think Dominic thinks so too.

Inspiring fear – At breakfast, Shell waltzes up to Barbara and Nikki and asks whether Barbara is Nikki’s new girlfriend. Nikki leaves, so Barbara asks for clarification.

Shell: Well, if you can’t work it out for yourself, darling, just keep your knickers on after dark, that’s all. Barbara: What?! Shell: [nodding toward Nikki] Lesbo, i’n’t she?
Bleedin’ hell, Shell. How many people do you typically terrorize in a day? If only we could harness your evil energy in some way. We could probably stop global warming.

Woe is she – Sylvia’s grousing about the “course of training” Betts has wangled her into. Where will she get a tracksuit, she wonders? That’s what’s so great about Sylvia: not that she complains about her husband having to “get his own tea” while she goes out to buy a tracksuit, but the fact that she assumes she needs a tracksuit in the first place. Who doesn’t love a bumbling, unimaginative martyr?

Hollamby: [sighing] Oh, and the hours I work. It’s more like the Burma Railway than an English prison.
Fenner and Dom sort of chuckle to themselves. Dominic reminds Sylvia that she wanted things to be tougher in Larkhall, and now she’s getting her wish.

The kitchen of love – Josh is hanging out, flirting with Crystal. The two Julies show up and tease him, so he finds a reason to leave. They immediately interrogate Crystal.

Julie J.: You sure Josh is your type? Crystal: Why? Julie S.: Well, ’cause he ain’t into Jesus and that. Crystal: Will be.
Poor Josh. I mean, I don’t like him much, but I wouldn’t want to be subjected to a Crystal-rific conversion.

The hero – Betts tells Fenner he’s in line for a medal for saving her from Mad Tessa. He says he’s turning it down, so she mocks him for being so noble.

Karen: You did very well the other day, you know. It’s just, you don’t have to overdo it.
As if Fenner does anything in moderation. Hey, does he have a cold? It sounded like Zan had one too. I guess germs probably thrive at Larkhall. Germs like Jim.
Fenner: I’m not a complete s—, you know.
We don’t know! But Karen seems to feel sorry. Don’t take it back, Karen.

Therapy – Zandra talks about being clean. The therapist reminds her to do it for herself, not for others, especially a certain cute, sensitive prison officer.

Shell: Girls are always doing that, though. Pleasing men. It’s what they’re born for.
Speak for yourself, sister. The therapist tries to delve a little, and Shell soon goes into some sort of fugue about hearing men at night, laughing, and coming into her room stinking of beer. It gets very Sybil-ish as she talks about the blurry bad men, and one in particular who makes her wake up in a sweat.
Therapist: Do you know him? Shell? Shell: Yeah, well, maybe.
But she can’t describe the “long shadow.” It seems very serious – she starts to cry, and the therapist is concerned – but we’re all saved by the bell. The prison has a bell? Well, yeah, I guess it’s important to keep to a schedule when you have places to go and things to do. Wait.

Is Shell seriously exploring some psychological trauma, or just trying to get attention? Will we ever know? Will we ever care?

Speaking of getting attention – Nikki strolls into her cell (Barbara’s there, brushing her teeth or something) and disrobes. I mean, she actually drops her robe to the floor. Her back is to us, and her bum is quite a nice sight.

Pardon me; I need to do some rewinding.

OK, so Nikki pulls on her pajamas (moving in a lithe, almost catlike way as she does), and then she sees that Barbara seems about ready to jump out of her skin. She asks her whether she’s OK. Barbara says she’s fine, but Nikki thinks it’s strange that Babs isn’t bathing tonight.

Nikki: I’m not being funny or anything, but it soon goes off in here. Open toilet, bad ventilation …
But Babs would rather stink up the place than get naked in front of Nikki. Come on: Does this make any sense? You’re like, what, 30 years her senior? And yeah, Nikki’s tough, but she’s been perfectly nice to you. I think you’ve seen one too many dykesploitation flicks, Babs.

Morning – Shell is having a bad dream. She’s whimpering and writhing and wakes with a start. A sex dream or a nightmare? Yeah, with Shell, it’s probably both.

Meanwhile, the two Julies are puttering around their cell, putting makeup on, reading magazines, having a perfectly nice morning. It soon turns into a fantastic morning for them and everyone they call into their cell to look out the window: Hollamby is out there with her trainer, huffing and puffing and looking like an advertisement for a 1980s aerobics video. Or, rather, a parody of a 1980s aerobics video. It’s funny, but would they really make her exercise at the prison? That would seem guaranteed to undermine her authority. I mean, if she had any.

The inmates cheer and laugh as Hollamby glares up at them. But the fun is short-lived: Zandra grabs her head in pain. They all remind her to get those specs, but she insists she’s not going “four-eyed.”

Crystal: And all ’cause of vanity. It’s a sin, you know – vanity. Zandra: Ah, don’t start that crap, for God’s sake. Denny: It’s ’cause she fancies Dominic.
They all tease her, but she runs out, in real pain.

The wing office – Barbara tells Fenner she needs to talk to someone about a “problem.” He rebuffs her at first, saying she can’t just come knocking on the door and must go through the proper channels.

Barbara: Only it’s about Nikki Wade.
That gets her in the door faster than you can say “Fenner hates women.”

Whatever happened to Baby Shell? – At group therapy, Zandra is still talking about getting clean for herself rather than for someone else. But the conversation grinds to a halt as a terrible vision unfolds in the doorway.

Shell: Not interrupting anything, am I?
I don’t even know how to describe her: She’s a mess. She’s wearing a short skirt and smeared makeup, and her hair is in pigtails. She looks like a schoolgirl from hell, and sounds like one too.

Shell: I’m gonna be a good little girl from now on.
I actually shuddered. So did everyone in the group. The therapist calmly asks Shell why she has chosen to dress like this today, and Shell says it’s just for a laugh. Yeah: a maniacal, homicidal laugh. Next thing you know, Shell is up on a table, doing a pole dance without the pole. The therapist talks her down and suggests that she get some individual therapy after the session. Yes, after the session, behind a locked door, in a straitjacket and between padded walls.

Nikki’s cell – Do you know what lesbians do sometimes? They pee. I know: It’s shocking and horrible. That seems to be Barbara’s reaction, anyway, as Nikki quietly and demurely relieves herself (as demurely as possible in a tiny cell with only a divider to separate the loo from the rest of the space).

Fenner shows up, right on cue, accusing Nikki of “flaunting her bits and pieces” and assuring Barbara she’ll be moved to a new cell as soon as possible.

Fenner: Meantime, Wade, keep your dykey fingers to yourself.
Fenner leaves, and Nikki just glares at Barbara. Well, half glares, half wonders – as if she’s thinking, “All I did was pee!”

After group therapy – Shell talks about how men are bastards who just want sex and will take it from her whether she gives it freely or not. It’s been an issue for her all her life.

OK, Shell. I do feel sorry for you. But I’m still scared of you and can’t help but avert my eyes. Your killer clown face is just terrifying!

A confrontation – Nikki yells at Barbara, telling her she should have talked to her directly if she had a problem, instead of going to Fenner.

Barbara: I didn’t say any of those things he said. Nikki: Well, what did you say, Barbara? Barbara: I just said I was nervous about sharing a cell with … Nikki: A dyke. Barbara: I never mentioned that word. He had no right to say those things to you. I feel terrible now. Nikki: Good. Then you know how I feel. I hope you get your move. Maybe you’ll get put in with Dockley. Or how does a junkie sound, jacking up every night in the bunk opposite? That make you feel safe? Barbara: I’m really sorry, Nikki. Nikki: I don’t care, darling. I’ll be happy to be alone again. Oh, and as for fancying you, get real. Even if I was available, I wouldn’t touch you with a cattle prod.
Woooo! Nice speech, Nik. Barbara seems ashamed of herself and honestly contrite. Also, did you hear what Nikki said? She’s not available. ‘Cause she’s in love. With Helen. Come back, Helen!

Sometimes, especially when she gets emotional, Nikki sounds like Nancy Astley (Rachael Stirling) in Tipping the Velvet. I wonder if she’ll ever break into song?

Young love – Josh and Crystal flirt near the rubbish bin. Ah, the romantic smells of springtime. They make plans for their future; Josh offers her a place to stay when she gets out of Larkhall, which is happening soon. But Crystal warns Josh about having the wrong “expectations.” You know, the sexy kind.

Hollamby sees them chatting and interrupts. Josh’s eyes widen as he sees Hollamby’s frightening tracksuit. Between that and Shell’s getup, there are some eye-popping costumes in this episode. After Hollamby leaves, Crystal mutters about the “spacesuit” on the “stupid fat cow.” Very Christian, Crystal.

Josh: You are one gorgeous-looking girl, Crystal. You know that?
Well, anyone’s gorgeous-looking next to Hollamby harrumphing by in a spacesuit.

Assessing the processing – Karen and Meg (the group therapist) talk about the group therapy sessions. They try to figure out what to do about Shell, who, in the therapist’s estimation, is a “powder keg” ready to blow.

Karen just looks pensive as she sips her tea.

The gym – Hollamby is working out while Denny and the two Julies watch. I don’t know what’s funnier: Hollamby doing sit-ups or the way Julie J. looks more like she’s ready for a client than ready to exercise. Denny looks sexy in a different way, with her black tank top and her taunting remarks about Sylvia joining the SAS. Hollamby hurts her neck and howls in pain. So funny and so wrong.

A bedtime spaz – Dominic tries to get Shell to go to her cell for sleepytime, but she goes nuts on him, calling him a sick perv who wants to rape her.

Dominic: I just touched your arm! Shell: Yeah, well don’t in future. How would you like it if I touched you? Kept groping you every five minutes?
The onlookers hoot and holler, egging her on, but Karen shows up just in time to escort Shell to her cell. Poor Dominic. That’s what Zandra’s thinking, too: She offers him a sweet “Good night, Mr. McAllister” as he locks the door of the four-bed dorm.

Zan, Denny and Crystal discuss Shell’s mental health as they get ready for bed. Denny reckons Shell’s right about men being pervs, but Crystal and Zandra defend men in general and Dominic in particular.

Zandra: Some of us like men, anyway. We’re not all dykes like you, Denny.
Denny just laughs and teases Zandra about liking Dominic. This show is very good at showing things like the difference between Barbara’s reaction to Nikki and Zandra’s use of the word “dyke” – the former is homophobic, while the latter is good-natured teasing. Not an easy line to draw.

Zandra gets a little huffy when Denny teases her about Dom, however – and then Zan’s head hurts again, possibly because of that ear-splitting sound in the background. Who chooses the sound effects? “Give me something that screams, ‘My head is pounding! Make me feel it!'” Ouch.

Crystal tries to give Zandra a cup of water, but Zandra doesn’t quite manage to close her fingers around it. The cup falls to the floor.

Crystal: What’s the matter with you, girl? Zandra: I thought I had it.
Well, we’re all worried now, Zandra. Yikes.

A nice chat – Karen tries to talk to Shell calmly and quietly, but Shell’s ranting about all the groping she suffers.

Shell: I was gang-banged this morning!
Whoa. Karen just sighs, and Shell looks away, embarrassed. Karen tells her she’ll try to get Shell a job in the kitchen if she can behave herself for a week or so.
Shell: I can get a knife in the kitchen and kill Mr. Fenner!
Right on! You’re hired!

Whipping up a frenzy – The next morning, the inmates are still shouting about perverts and rapists and strip searches. It even makes Fenner nervous. The Julies try to fan the flames too, but it’s not very convincing when they try to demonize Dom.

In the wing office, Fenner acts like he’s the expert on this sort of thing (you know, for a change).

Fenner: You smile, and it’s rape.
In your case? Absolutely. But Karen takes it seriously when Dom says even he has been accused of undressing the Julies with his eyes. Hollamby blames it all on Baby Shell.
Sylvia: Shell Dockley’s not just playing up. That group therapy’s deranged her. Karen: Yeah, well, she was deranged a long time ago.
Karen asks everyone to be patient and promises to keep them posted. Nice suit today, Karen. After the meeting, Hollamby tells Karen that Dr. No-no (that’s “Malcolm” to Sylvia) has told her the exercise regime is only exacerbating her neck injury. Birds of a corrupt feather flock together.

The showers – Out of the blue, Shell slams Barbara against the wall and asks her to secure a black marker from the art room. Barbara says they’re not allowed to take anything out of the room.

Shell: You want me to cut your tits off and make curry out of ’em?
The hits just keep on comin’! Now who’s scary, Barbara?

Another romantic setting – In the servery, Josh gives Crystal a present: a crucifix on a chain. She gives him a big hug, and they smile at each other.

He repeats the offer of a place to stay. I keep trying to get interested in this, but all I can think about is how much more chemistry Nikki and Helen have.

Crazy-psycho-loony-land – Barbara gives Shell the pen she requested. Shell uses it to draw a mustache on her own face. Whaa?

Then Shell makes Barbara write “Fenner is a rapist” on the wall. Shell draws a stick figure to go with it. Nikki strolls by just after Shell leaves and beholds the cave drawing.

Barbara: It was Shell! Nikki: [smirking] Try telling your friend Fenner that.
The last thing you ever expected to see – The two Julies and Denny offer some genuine sympathy to Hollamby and her injured neck. She thinks they’re teasing her as usual, but they’re sincere.
Denny: We’d rather have you in charge than any fella, Miss. You’re a woman, i’n’t it?
Is it?

No, that’s the last thing you ever expected to see – It’s visiting time. Sylvia takes her place as the watcher as someone strolls in. Who’s that with the nice walk? Why, it’s … it’s Helen! Miss Stewart! The gov! She’s back!

Sylvia plotzes and radios Jim, telling him to get to the visiting room to see this with his own eyes. Helen sits down across from a beaming Nikki.

Helen: Hiya, Nikki.
I’ve listened to that line so many times, I’m going to answer to “Nikki” from now on. My, does Miss Stewart look lovely. Relaxed, right down to the roots of her hair. Clearly the change has done her some good.
Nikki: I wasn’t sure you’d come. Helen: I said I would. Nikki: Yeah. But it wasn’t that long ago I thought I’d never see you again. You still looking for work? Helen: I’ve got one or two irons in the fire. Nikki: Yeah? Helen: [sighing] I missed you, Nikki.
I cannot describe the sexy way she says that, or the warmth in her eyes as she searches Nikki’s face. She sighs in that way you do when you’re in love – that suffused, energized way. Nikki does her best to keep herself from smiling like a fool, but doesn’t really succeed.
Nikki: Missed you. Since you left, I’ve … Helen: Well, I’m here now. Nikki: Till you get bored of coming. Or till you meet someone else, like Trish did.
Already with the lesbian paranoia!
Helen: Listen. You never know what’s gonna happen. Nikki: Yeah, right. Still got nine years to do, remember? Helen: I wanna talk to you about that. I think you should appeal.
Nikki just stares, but wouldn’t you if you were beholding the face of Miss Stewart?

Shell’s cell – Karen asks Shell if she’s responsible for the graffiti. Shell blames Babs and says Babs also scrawled the mustache on her face. Wow. You have to give Debra Stephenson props for making these crazy lines seem so natural.

Back in the visiting room – Fenner and Hollamby can’t believe their eyes: an ex-officer visiting a con. Now, now, you two: Let you not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. No bars can separate our heroines!

Nikki: I don’t want to be gettin’ my hopes up, just to have ’em dashed. Helen: Honestly, Nikki, there’s been a lot of cases a lot more seerrrious than yours that have had a successful appeal. Nikki: Waste of time, i’n’t it? Helen: Look. Let me put it another way. Will you do it for me? Nikki: I’d do anything for you. You know that.
That time Nikki was the one with the sexy voice. But I’m still swooning over Helen.
Helen: Good. Well, that’s it settled. [a bell rings] I’d better go. Nikki: I’ll see you soon. Helen: Yes, you will. Be good. And remember, we’re gonna make this work. I promise.
That Helen-Nikki music swells again, and Nikki watches Helen go, with the wistfulest of wistful looks on her face.

An interrogation – In Nikki and Barbara’s cell, Karen and Dominic ask Barbara about the graffiti. She insists that nobody made her do it. Nikki rushes, er, saunters, to the rescue.

Nikki: Oh, for God’s sake. Dockley did it.
Karen asks Barbara to confirm that, and Barbara nods. Karen thanks Nikki – who has now settled on her bunk with another classic novel – for her help.
Nikki: Oh, anytime. Governor.
And by “governor,” she means “poor substitute for Helen,” of course. Barbara thanks Nikki too.
Nikki: I hate Dockley more than I hate you, darling. That’s all.
Dom and Sylvia take Shell down the block, where she accuses Dominic of being a “poof” (gay) and then continues to fall apart.

Time passes – as indicated by dramatic dissolving shots of Shell on the floor in various positions, and by the therapist telling Karen she can’t keep Shell in solitary “forever.” Well, no, but maybe five minutes?

Trying to behave herself – Nikki’s playing pool. Fenner stops by to taunt her. It seems a letter arrived for her this morning, and of course it had to be opened and inspected. Nikki starts to lose her cool, but stops herself.

Fenner: Very affectionate girl, Helen. Nice turn of phrase. She likes you. Nikki: Bastard.
Fenner just smirks and walks away. Well done, Nik. I’d have found a new use for that pool cue.

Karen’s office – Shell finally reveals that she was sexually abused by her father, starting at age 11 or 12, and her mother made her do it.

Shell: The judge who sent me down, he said I was evil personified. I must have been, to have wanted that.
Sigh. I almost can’t bear to watch. Karen tries to assure Shell that it wasn’t her fault, but then they both start to worry about Shell’s kids, who are with her parents. Yeesh. Shell cries on Karen’s strong shoulders.

An arrangement – In their cell, Nikki tells Barbara that Fenner is reading her letters from Helen. But Hollamby stops by and says there wasn’t any mail for Nikki.

Hollamby: Looks like she’s forgotten you.
Barbara offers to be a go-between for any letters that do come. Well, that’s a long way from “Don’t make me share a cell with the scary dyke!” I like you again, Barbara.

Bespectacled – Zandra tries on her new specs. She’s absolutely adorable. Dominic sees her and asks how she feels.

Zandra: My head still feels like a bleeding truck’s parked on it.
But you’re so cute! Dominic tells her to let him know if her headaches don’t improve.
Dominic: Seeya later, Groucho. Zandra: [smiling] Piss off!

Karen’s office – Governor Betts has a well-earned smoke and tells Fenner she’s decided to stop the therapy sessions. Also, she’s decided to put Shell back on the wing. Fenner doesn’t care as much as you might expect him to, because he’s got bigger fish to fry: He has a clipping from the local paper. It’s a picture of Sylvia, hamming it up on the dance floor. So much for that neck injury.

But why is Fenner betraying Sylvia like this? Oh, that’s right: Because he’s a snake with no loyalties whatsoever.

The library — Nikki is reading Henry James’ The Portrait of a Lady. Someone sneaks up behind her and interrupts.

Helen: [looking at the book] That’s a bit heavy going for a no-hoper like you. Nikki: What’re you doing here?! Helen: One of those irons in the fire I was telling you about. Nikki: You … you got a job here? Helen: Prison Service Professional. Nikki: What?! Helen: I’m working for area management. Special program for women lifers. I’m back on your case. Literally.
They giggle and gaze at each other, but what’s really funny is the fact that they had to do this scene like a kazillion times, and it’s still a little awkward despite all the takes.

And yes, Helen’s doing that adorable tongue thing again! Welcome back — Dominic welcomes Shell back on the wing. She seems sorry and like she really wants to make a change, but it’s hard to think she’s anything but doomed.

Getting the facts — Karen asks Sylvia how she’s doing. She says her Bobby doesn’t think she should be going to work, but what can you do?

Karen: Is Bobby your partner? Sylvia: He’s my husband! Karen: No, I mean your dancing partner.
Karen shows Sylvia the clipping, and Sylvia tries to explain herself.
Karen: Don’t dig yourself in deeper, Sylvia. I don’t like liars, and I don’t like skivers. One more slip. I did think four weeks’ training would be enough; I’m extending it to three months now. And if I see you in that neck brace again, I’m gonna rip it off and stick it where the sun don’t shine!
Aw, yeah! Will we get to keep Karen and have Helen back too? That would be the best of both Hot Gov worlds.

Tarting up — The two Julies offer to give Zandra a makeover. They say they should make Crystal over too, and then they get inquisitive about Crystal’s sexual history — specifically, whether she has one.

Crystal: Is that all you two can think about? The Julies: Thought not.
Crystal says she’s proud of her virginity, which makes everyone chuckle.

But then Denny screams: Up on the next floor, Shell is looking like something out of a horror movie again. This time she’s white as a ghost and has a makeshift noose around her neck.

Shell: Come on, Mr. Fenner. Why don’t you string me up like Rachel Hicks? It’s what you want, i’n’t it?
Eek. I’m not going to sleep well tonight. Between deranged Shell and delicious Helen, my dreams will be interesting indeed!

NEXT TIME ON BAD GIRLS: Helen really is back; so is Yvonne.

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