
Styled Out: Cardigans and tights

In honor of one of my fondest childhood memories that is soon to be destroyed, this one goes out to you, Beezus and Ramona Quimby. If there are any other Beverly Cleary fans out there, I’m sure we can all commiserate about the tragedy of the making of the film Ramona and Beezus, in which young actress Selena Gomez is sure to have a hand in destroying a classic. Oh, the horror.

Ramona Quimby shared with us a whimsical look at growing up in beloved Portland, Oregon and inspired one season’s point of fashion for me.

How can you accomplish a look and hold on to the tried and true form of the most beloved sisters in all of fiction? Hunt down every cardigan you can find and wear them with pride.

I happen to be in total love with this classic button up from Marc Jacobs, but similar versions can be found most anywhere, especially combing the racks of a favorite thrift store.

Now is the time to buy, too! Thrifting tip: buy things off-season because you’ll find a much better selection. No one will be as smart as you, shopping for sweaters in July!

Similarly, cable knit tights can be found at great prices right about now, mainly because they were so popular last season and many a retailer is going to be clearing their shelves for this fall’s offering.

Try Free People or better yet, has them for as cheap as $3.50 a pair.

More of a Henry and Ribsy kind of queer? That’s cool, because Cleary offered up a little bit of something for everyone, so embrace the overalls and galoshes aspect of her wardrobing.

I have a pair of Hunter boots to shield my shins from storms, but you might also like the multi-tasking power of these weirdo Wellington boots that create enough juice to charge your mobile. Modern yet reminiscent of days gone by.

These baggy britches scream tricycle times but you can proudly wear them now if done well. Don’t make them too juvenile, and feel free to distress them at your discretion. As with most good things, they’re best when broken in.

P.S. Word on the street is the pinch roll is making a comeback, which can only improve matters.

Don’t worry about coloring inside the lines.

Lesbian Apparel and Accessories Gay All Day sweatshirt -- AE exclusive

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