
“Army Wives” lesbian recap: A decent proposal

Army Wives‘ Don’t Ask Don’t Tell storyline continues to be a pleasant surprise. Not that I expected Lifetime to mishandle a gay relationship, but I didn’t think Nicole and Charlie would be around as much as they have. I appreciate the fact that the show is taking time to give us a thoughtful treatment of their situation. This episode could’ve been named after that other Kellie Martin show because it’s all about how, now that the troops are home from Africa, life goes on. To the civilian half of our happy and gay couple that means kicking things up a notch. Nicole did, after all, kiss Charlie hello in front of a whole busload of Army types.

But Nicole still is cautious about being seen with Charlie on base or dropping by the youth center. And her ambivalence seems pretty realistic to me. Nicole is a career soldier with a lot invested in the Army and earning respect as a woman has been difficult enough. Unfortunately, homophobia doesn’t vanish automatically just because the military can’t discriminate against gay soldiers any more.

Just in case we don’t get it, though, Joan and Roland sum it up. OK, it’s not the most natural kitchen conversation, but we get the point. We also find out that General Clark was opposed to lifting DADT.

Meanwhile, Clark and Frank review candidates for medals. Frank recommends Nicole for a Bronze Star for valor, since she was responsible for ending the standoff in Africa, doubtless saving many lives. General Clark approves it, noting that Nicole also will make “an excellent poster girl for the Army.” Nothing helps recruitment like a cute war hero. As is always the case, a hater is waiting in the wings to spread the word about the lecherous lesbians. You go, um, sir.

After some initial resistance, Nicole agrees to go to dinner at the Burtons – and loves being around the happy family. In fact, she’s downright inspired. Aw. I love lesbians.

Who’s on board for an Army Wives lesbian wedding? Do you think we’ll see it? Are you pleased with the Nicole/Charlie storyline?

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